During the conference, posters will be displayed both onsite on poster walls in the conference centre at PalaCinema, and the virtual space Gathertown. The poster sessions in the program are fully online. A guide on how to log-in and use Gathertown can be found here:
Click here to download the guide of
This allows our remote participants to discuss their posters with the onsite participants. As hybrid conferences become more common, we encourage everyone to participate in these online sessions and benefit from the discussions with all participants. In Gathertown presenters may make use of the screen-sharing function to present supplementary material.
The physical poster display at PalaCinema will be open during the remainder of the week for networking and meetings at your own discretion, outside of the dedicated poster sessions.At PalaCinema the posters will be displayed during the entire conference week; there will be no rotation. All posters displayed onsite will have a maximum size of A0, that is, a maximum width of 841 mm and a maximum height of 1189 mm. They will be displayed in portrait orientation (see picture). The physical posters at PalaCinema will be dismounted and disposed of by the organizer on Friday 2 September starting from 11am. Those who want to take their physical poster back home make sure to dismount it beforehand.